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Stevia Plant Care, Uses and Benefits

Stevia is a small green leaves plant from sunflower family.Stevia is native Brazil and Paraguay. Stevia also know as sweetleaf and candyleaf because their leaves have 200-300 times sweetness of sugar, this is the main reason people growning it home and also Grown widely to sold its leaves to companies that manufacturing products from leaves. Stevia have white and purple flowers in autumn. Stevia Plant Care Soil             Stevia plant grow well in sandy soil and rich potting mix. You can use  garden soil or clay (40%) , sand (40%) and leaf mold or vermi compost (20%) in 8 to 12 inch pot. Watering                  Stevia plant like moist soil to fast growth so water regularly and next water when soil surface get dry out completely 1 inch down from surface. Water your stevia properly make sure water come out from drainage hole that all roots get water properly. Sunlight       ...

Hibiscus (rosa-sinensis) care and stop mealybugs and pests on hibiscus (rosa-sinensis) plant

Hibiscus is also know as china rose, and it's scientific name is rosa-sinensis. Hibiscus is a species of flowering plant in the Malvaceae family. It is a quite large comprising several hundred species that are native to warm temperate., subtropical and tropical regions through out the world. Hibiscus species are grown as ornamental plant at home and gardens, use as paper, beverage, food, tea, colour, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is use as Folk medicines claim B.P.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis care

          Hibiscus like soil that store moisture for long time Sandy soil with cocopeat and 20 % vermi compost or leaf mold, cocopeat store mosture for long time and sandy soil for well drain. 

                    Hibiscus need regular watering in summer for keep soil moist. When soil surface dry out then water it properly. Overwatering  is cause of fungus attacks and root rot you plant get die. Sign of overwatering is plant's leaves tip get brown and yellow then leaves fall down
                              Underwatered hibiscus Plant's leaves are dropping and leaves get start yellowing and brown. To save your plant water it properly and wait for water come out from drainage hole to make sure all roots get water. 
                      Hibiscus from tropical area so hibiscus like high Humidity level , in summer you can mist it twice a day. 

                 Hibiscus can growing well in direct sunlight and shade area. Hibiscus enjoy full day direct sunlight and give alot of beautiful flowers. In shade area  growing well but not give flowers there only leaves that is also look beautiful. If you want to place hibiscus indoor so there must be window with bright sunlight or direct sunlight.

                  Hibiscus need fertilize for for their growth and flowering. In growing season fertilize it once in 10- 15 days and off season once in month.For fertilize you can use N.P.K (20) or vermi compost,and some organic Growth boosters like seaweed fertilize available online and market, before fertilize you should plowing first. 

                         Hibiscus rosa-sinensis growing well in 16 to 32 °C temperature and good flowering. Hibiscus can't survive below 10°C temperature. 
            Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is a small tree and grow 8 to 16 feet height and 5 to 10 feet ,  flowers diameter is 4 inches. Hibiscus size that in pot up to 3 to 4 feet. 

                         Usually hibiscus propagating from cutting, and you can also propagate from airlayering but it's give good and fast results in rainy or spring season.For airlayering  there is airlayering balls in market and online work well. If you propagating from cutting you need 4 to 6 inch stem cutting and put in soil Or cocopeat 2 inch down and water it. Start roots in 2 to 3 weeks.

                Pruning is very important for hibiscus growth and make can hard pruning hibiscus in November to December in off season. Hibiscus Purning tips

How to stop mealybugs and pests on Hibiscus (rosa-sinensis) 
In Winter and rainy season there are mealybugs , mildew and pests come on hibiscus plant, to stop them you need to use neem oil or soap mix in water  to sapray.  If you want to use chemical antipesticide so can use imidacloprid this is best  to stop pests attack on any plant  spray twice a week. There is one more idea to stop mealybugs  first remove all mealybugs from plant with water spray then take 1 inch tape roll and tape around plant's trunk, then apply greasy cream or thin grease on tape that is roll around on trunk. That way mealybugs can't reach to buds and flowers to cross that geasy trape . 
