Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is most popular indoor plant. Lucky bamboo is a species of flowering plant in the family
Asparagaceae. Lucky bamboo is native to
Central Africa.Dracaena sanderiana is scientific name of lucky bamboo. Lucky bamboo use as decorating house plant, at office for positive vibes, as gift to someone.
Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) care in soil and water
Lucky bamboo (dracaena sanderiana) love and grow well in soil that store moisture for long time and well drain so cocopeat is good option for potting it. You can use just cocopeat but if you want use soil so mix 50% cocopeat with soil and leaf mold. If you growing in Water so use filtered water.
Lucky bamboo (dracaena sanderiana) grow well when it's soil always have moisture but dont make mud. Watering when soil surface dry out completely. Don't overwatering that's active fungus in roots and root rot. Overwatering sign is your lucky bamboo leave and stem getting yellow and brown
Underwatered lucky bamboo get in stress and can die. Underwatering sign is leaves dropping and stem and leaves get brown. To save underwatered lucky bamboo water it properly and wait for water come out from drainage hole and also mist water provide high humidity.
If you are growing Lucky bamboo in water so use filtered water and change the water once in 7 to 10 days. You should clean the container and shower on roots once in month and make sure water level always up to roots.
Lucky bamboo (dracaena Sanderiana) grow in bright to middium indirect sunlight, Survive in low light but 1 or 2 day in week place it in bright light for good grow. If you place it in low light continues for long time thier growing stem get thin and increase leaves gape and leaves and stem get yellowing. Dont place lucky bamboo in direct sunlight that burn leaves.
Lucky bamboo grow well and healthy in high level humidity , in summer mist on leaves.
Use Fertilize in soil for lucky bamboo once a month don't over fertilize. Your can use N. K. P (20) just half teaspoon once a month lucky bamboo don't need much fertilize. There are some spray for lucky bamboo's good can use this organic Agro Alive spray for lucky bamboo once a week
Fertilize in water for lucky bamboo you can use N. P. K (20) half teaspoon mix in 250ml water then fertilize just 1 to 2 teaspoon your lucky bamboo. You can also use that organic Agro Alive spray in water when change water and on leaves once a week.
Lucky bamboo (dracaena sanderiana) grow well in 15 to 22 °C temperature range.cant survive below 10°C temperature.
Lucky bamboo can grow up to 39 inchs (3 to 4 feet) in soil . And leaf size 8 to 9 inchs.
Pruning is necessary if you growing lucky bamboo in soil because in soil lucky bamboo grow Long and bushy so unwanted stem growth need to prune. Remove yellow and brown leaves and stem.
In water growing lucky bamboo don't need any pruning, need to prune when propagating it. Just remove yellow leaves and yellow sticks.
Lucky bamboo is propagating from stem. You need 4 to 6 inch stem and remove leaves from bottom and dip in water, Roots starts in 2 to 3 week.After rooting it's your choice you can shift it in soil. You can also propagating from bamboo sticks , don't cut stick from nod, cut it between two nod then dip in water or cut shoot from main stick then put in water and wait for rooting.
What is lucky bamboo plant?
Ans:- lucky bamboo is not a bamboo it is a species of dracaena (dragon tree). When remove leaves from dracaena sanderiana's healthy branch it's look like bamboo.
Why lucky bamboo turns yellow?
Ans:- Lucky bamboo turns yellow because of fungal infection in roots. You need to put out from bunch and throw it if that stick have any green shoot on it so cut that shoot before and dip in water to more reason of yellowing is insufficient light. Need bright light. And change water and give shower to roots of lucky bamboo once in week.
Can I grow lucky bamboo without make a bunch?
Ans:- yes, you can gow lucky bamboo without a bunch if you grow it in soil because it can stand straight in soil without and spot. But in water 1 Or 2 sticks cannot stand and in bunch they can get stand straight. In bunch lucky bamboo look very attractive that is one reason.
How do lucky bamboo grow fast ?
Ans:- For fast growth place it in bright light and change water time to time and fertilize once in month and provide high humidity level.
What type water is good for lucky bamboo?
Ans:- bottle water is best for lucky bamboo but you can also use tap water. Filter water reduce the chance of fungal infection.
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