Spider plant is a great Airpurify plant and
NASA clean air study determined that Spider plant is Clear common house hold and reduce Air pollution. Spider plant scientific name is
Chlorophytum comosum and also know as
ribbon plant and
spider ivy, it's native to southern Africa , Australia ans tropical forests. This is species of perennial flowering plant. Spider plants mostly grown as houseplant in hanging baskets and pots. There is one more plant pandanus plant that look same as spider plant .
Spider Plant Care
Spider plant need well drain soil potting mix for good grow, you can use garden soil , sand and leaf mold or vermi compost if you want to grow in hanging basket so you can use cocopeat and leafmold or vermi compost because cocopeat is light weight so best for long life of hanging basket .
Spider plant need less water because it have tuberous roots that hold water. Water it when soil dry out 1 inch down from surface.Don't Overwatering that cause root rot, plant get in stress and leaves start yellowing . Less watering also harm your plant so water regular but make sure soil surface completely dry out.
Spider plant grow well in shade area (bright indirect sunlight) and morning time 1 to 2 hours direct sunlight is ok dont burn thier leaves.
If you want to grow spider plant in room so you need window with bright light. If there is no window in room so dont place it in room for long time shift it out side for bright light 1week in a month.
Fertilize your spider plant once in a month during growing season spring to summer end. You can use leaf mold or vermi compost you can also use N. P. K (20) and mist on plant twice in a month.
Spider plant grow well temperature range 18°C to 32°C and this plant can survive at 2°C temperature this is great. Spider plant like high humidity level. You can mist on it twice a week , if you have big collection of housplants so you can provide humidifier.
Spider plant can grow 24 inchs (2 feet) long and their leaves can grow 8 to 18 inches long.
Spider plant grow well and big size in deep pots or basket 8 to 12 inch because of their fat tuberous roots and don't need to repot for long time. It can grow in small pot but after some time need to repot it cause of tuberous roots come out from pot. When you see rootblow come out from pot and no space for wateriing then repot it.
There is no required of pruing your spider plant just remove old brown leaves or prune runner branches when you propagating from runner pups.
Spider plant propagating from pups, runner pups and from seeds. In summer spider plant give many runner pups and white flowers. You need to cut pups from branches a then place them in water or soil it's start growth in 2 to 3 weeks . In summer spider plant flowering white flower after flowerinv when flower get completely dry there you find black small seeds you can germinate seed and make plants but pups propagation is fast and easy.
Propagate divide pups When spider plant roots come up from pot and need to repot it then divide their pups and you get many plants from mother plant .
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